Sunday, February 28, 2010


    Artist newcomers singer,Syahrini is selected by Anang Hermansyah to be his new partner. Not in private life, at least Syahrini is the second woman ever duet together Anang, other than KD. Finally Krisdayanti substitute for Anang Hermansyah fulfilled. Syahrini which is a substitute for a duet Krisdayanti in Anang in his new album. In their video shoot was intimate and harmonious.

    A kiss on the cheek Syahrini docked when they ended the song "Jangan Memilih aku" in the event Dahsyatnya Awards. Syahrini admitted surprise at what was given Anang Hermansyah.

    "Startled the hell, I got stunned," said Syahrini told reporters after filling Dahsyatnya Awards ceremony, at Mangga Dua Square, North Jakarta, Friday (26/2/2010) evening.

    According to the girl's birth Bogor August 1, 1982 that, given a kiss on the stage Anang is a form of appreciation for him. He was greeted with pleasure.

    Instead kissed confused? "Not upset, but I was shocked, like a surprise wrote," she said again.

    All events were pure without any planning of Anang or Syahrini. Chanter 'Bohong' it was only stunned and silent self widower of an appreciation of two children given to him. It could be serious love?


    Profile of Anang Hermansyah
    Anang Hermansyah known as a musician and music workers, in addition known as the husband of the famous pop singer Krisdayanti. Men born Jember, East Java, March 18, 1969, had created the song, whether sung themselves or others.

    The songs never released Anang, including Mata Cinta (2003), Makin aku Cinta (2000), Tania (1999).

    Now the man who successfully 3 Diva concert was one of the judges for the talent contest show, which aired RCTI, Indonesian Idol 2007.

    Marriage with KD Anang which lasted from August 22, 1996, are likely to end soon. Father of Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah and steady Azriel Akbar Hermansyah. KD menalak religiously divorced on August 19, 2009. For the process legally, KD will be cast on the chanter divorce Separuhh Jiwakuu Pergii after Lebaran. Meanwhile, the two children they will be under the care Anangg.

    Without having to wait a long time, Thursday, October 22, 2009, decision of the divorce courts issued Anang-KD. Through PA South Jakarta, an official Anang has become a widower.

    After a divorce, is active in Anang back country music world. Mid-September 2009, he released his latest album, ANANG. In the self title album with the song hits a single, Separuh Jiwaku Pergi.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

FOTO HOT JENNY CORTEZ di Film Pemburu Hantu The Movie

    FOTO JENNY CORTEZ HOT "Film Pemburu Hantu The Movie"
    Jenny Cortez received no exciting pictures circulating in cyberspace. She felt ashamed and hurt because of the photographs that appear to the public. He also demanded USD 1 billion to the party who has a picture of the syurnya.

    "If up to one week did not work, find out who spread the photos I will demand USD 1 billion to PH," she said when met at Hazara Restaurant, East Jakarta, Monday, February 22, 2010.

    Meanwhile, the production house that produced the movie 'Pemburuu Hantuu Thee Moviee' it. Citaa Dutaa Baruu represented by Alamsyah, claims ready to face the demands of Jenny.

    She felt Jenny's right to do so. However, they hope this problem can be solved by peaceful means.

    "We are cooling down first. In this case we missed it. With my good ethics will follow, "said Alamsyah.

    Jenny admitted since the pictures were circulated, he became overwhelmed and embarrassed. She also felt guilty with her parents. He also became guncingan neighbors because of the case.

    Jenny started their work in the field of the model. His name was lifted as the third person rumored to be a relationship breakdown between spouses Deddy Corbuzier and Kalina.

    He also played in several soap operas. Finally, gait can also be enjoyed acting in the film AIR TERJUN PENGANTIN where Jenny played with Mirasih Tyas Endah and Tamara Bleszynski.In the film Rizal Mantovani's work does look a little vulgar enough scene like a bikini. I do not know whether the pictures Jenny is part of the film or other photocall.

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FOTO HOT JENNY CORTEZ di Film Pemburu Hantu The Movie

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FOTO HOT|SYUR POPPY BUNGA MANDI "Film Pemburu Hantu the Movie"

    FOTO POPPY BUNGA HOT SYUR in Film Pemburu Hantu The Movie
    Latest News Poppy Bunga Photos Topless 2010 going to be a discussion called artist today's gossip related cases of sexually arousing pictures hot Behind The Scene Pemburu Hantu.
    The strange, right Billy, Poppy's brother as confirmation, he admitted that his sister and family face relax. However, when met at the news conference, calling the film producer if the ex-girlfriend was crying hysterically Mandala day.
    Nahh,, .. when confirmation on the same day ..

    Pemburu Hantu The Movie:

    Prime opportunity for the ex-girlfriend Dwi Andika to taste the role of ghosts in the film was finally achieved. This opportunity comes from the production house,namely Cita Baru Production, which offered a major role as Vika.

    Dara was born in Jakarta, October 26, 1990 informed his feelings during a confirmation when Indonesia launched a horror film in 2010 his latest Ciwalk XXI, Bandung.

    "At first I rejected the offer, but after the team met with the Ghost Hunters and the kyai, finally I received,"

    "It's very challenging, because previously I had never received a horror movie, because basically I was timid at all. Do not want to see associated with ghosts, "

    "When I got the first offer, I'm just curious, whether this is true PEMBURU HANTU or mock"
    "I once had a reality show that followed. Well, when this film I really know if this is not a lie, "

    Vika himself was a young teenager who had an inner sense ability to penetrate the other world and see a fine creature. Behind her ability was, Vika was very tortured.
    Film "PEMBURU HANTU the movie" directed and produced by Alamsyah, from production houses Citaa Baruu Produksii, and was run simultaneously in all Indonesia XXI dated January 28, 2010 was himself removed from a successful reality show ever aired in Lativi (now TV One, red) on 2004-2006.

    do not know the reason, a few days after the premiere that might quiet the crowd, suddenly there are elements "may be crew or anyone else who took part during filming of" sowing Photos Topless Jenny Cortez, who then connected with the circulation Photo Hot Poppy Bunga Bath .
    When asked to confirm on Monday, February 22, 2010, by telephone received by Rian, sister Poppy. Rian admitted if his family relaxing bath facing the circulation of images.

    "Poppy when seen, did not respond to anything, just normal,"

    According to Rian, the image is taken from the movie 'Moviee thee Pemburu Hantu.' When the image is outstanding, Poppy bunga had contacted the film makers.

    "I talked to the Ghost Hunters team the Movie, they admit there is missed."

    "But from our normal".

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FOTO HOT|SYUR POPPY BUNGA MANDI "Film Pemburu Hantu the Movie"

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


    Mario Teguh Twitter cases would be hot news next few days. If yesterday rang with Marsya Saphira twitter.This time Mario Teguh's twitter: "Women Smokers Not Eligible to marry" in the account twitternya / MarioTeguhMTGW which is currently closed to the public invited many reactions. A statement posted on twitter account owner's real name is Sis Maryono Teguh cash cause pros cons.

    Actually Twitter Mario Teguh statement which was not a "Women Smokers Not Eligible to marry" but "Women's Health Planned So Impossible Wife". But the growing issue of Women Smokers Not even worthy of marriage.

    Here klarisifikasi closure MarioTeguhMTGW twitter account:
    Mario Teguh Business Manager Publishing House, Adi confirmed Prakoso indicate if Mario Teguh never mentions 'women smokers do not deserve to marry'. The correct quote is 'not possible to be a wife planned'.

    "Mr. Mario was never called women smokers do not deserve to marry. He called the 'can not be planned to be a wife'. Actually the sentence like that, "

    "We never mention the words 'not feasible', but 'can not be planned'. If you could change the plan, "

    Adi himself added that the sentence on twitter motivation is created for the Open Forum discussion. But, since because of the many people who respond and cite the status of Mario Teguh is not complete, then the error finally understanding can not be avoided.

    "So Saturday (20 / 2) yesterday Pak Mario Teguh made it to invite and be discussed, because many people who joined in Mario Teguh Open (MTOF) Forum to 6 MTOF,"

    "They do not know and do not understand fully what you want delivered by Mr. Mario, so we finally apologized and twitter closed for a while,"

    "Every post we will understand there are pros and cons, but we also do not think this could be a big day like this,"

    Senior Motivator kalahiran Makasar, March 5, 1956 was itself in a Facebook note Mario Teguh Super Club stated clarification and apology for the misunderstanding caused by a short article about the title of the Open Forum discussion on it.

    "Whatever the electoral procedures, drafting, and publishing a post on Twitter, and all public service media via the internet MTSC almost reached 900.000 members worldwide, is entirely the responsibility of my personal and my only."

    "We can understand that mistakes can be applied to the interpretation of the topic, especially since the post limited to a maximum of 140 characters, which then can be edit and re-post (retweet) freely, without being faithful to the overall intent of the original post, "

    "I took the initiative to submit clarifications and a personal apology from me to my friends who became upset and hurt by the posts in MarioTeguhMTGW Twitter account, on February 20, 2010, at night,"

    Facebook Notes Mario Teguh Super Club:
    Super Mario fb in his notes, clarify with the title of the article

    Clarification CLOSING ACCOUNT MarioTeguhMTGW twitter, as the following:
    Indonesia is a super friend, a good heart, and who is building a peaceful life and prosperity, for the beloved family happiness.

    With regard to the news about the withdrawal of services MTSuperClub (MTSC) from Twitter, I submit herewith confirm that I hope you do not need to really understand where the concept of our posting diTwitter who has been the subject of several news media.

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Inilah Cinta Terlarang Jenifer Dunn di Balik Bui

    JAKARTA, — Dari balik jeruji tahanan Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Barat (Jakbar), artis FTV yang sedang terganjal kasus kepemilikan tujuh butir pil ekstasi, Jenifer Dunn, membuat pengakuan cukup mencengangkan. Dengan lantang, ia mengakui hubungan istimewanya dengan salah satu kuasa hukumnya, Sunan Kalijaga, SH.

    "Saya minta maaf kalau ada yang tidak suka atau keberatan hubungan saya dengan Sunan," ujar Jenifer seusai sidang pidananya di PN Jakbar, Kamis (11/2/2010).

    Pernyataan maaf Jenifer tersebut boleh jadi ditujukan kepada seorang wanita yang telah menjadi istri pria yang setia menemani Jenifer selama sidang pidana. "Saya enggak bisa ngebohongin perasaan saya kalau memang sayang sama dia (Sunan)," tutur Jenifer.

    Jenifer tak menampik jika kedekatannya dengan Sunan tergolong cinta terlarang. "Enggak jadi masalah, saya kan minta maaf," tegas Jenifer. "Saya bilang minta maaf, bukan merebut atau mengecewakan perasaan orang," tekannya lagi.

    Diakui Jenifer, ia dan Sunan sudah merasa sehati. "Saya deket sekali dengan dia, kita saling care aja. Pokoknya hubungannya dekat banget. Sayang soalnya, jadi mesra. Tanya aja langsung sama Abang Sunan langsung," pungkasnya.

    Saat menanti jalannya sidang, keduanya bahkan tak malu-malu memperlihatkan hubungan asmaranya. Keduanya terlihat saling mendaratkan ciuman bibir saat Jenifer berada di ruang tahanan sementara PN Jakarta Barat. (C7-09)

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Inilah Cinta Terlarang Jenifer Dunn di Balik Bui

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Tamara Bleszynski Akhirnya Buka Suara soal Foto-foto Itu

    JAKARTA, — Setelah lama menutup mulutnya terkait pernikahannya dengan Mike Lewis, model dan pesinetron Tamara Bleszynski akhirnya angkat bicara. Ia mengakui adanya pernikahan itu.

    Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Tamara dan Mike menikah dalam sebuah prosesi pernikahan yang sangat tertutup di Bayuh Sabbha, Bali, pada 2 Februari 2010. Kabar pernikahan tersebut mulai terkuak ketika foto-foto pernikahannya beredar di situs jejaring Facebook.

    Kepada wartawan yang menemuinya di JW Marriott, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (22/2/2010), bintang film Air Terjun Pengantin itu membenarkan bahwa foto-foto tersebut adalah foto pernikahannya.

    Ia juga tak menampik kabar bahwa ia dan suami barunya telah menjual hak siar foto-foto momen bersejarah mereka kepada sebuah media online.

    Menurut Tamara, keputusan itu ia ambil guna membantu Yayasan Maria Monique Lastwish di Jakarta. Mike merupakan donatur tetap dan aktif dalam kegiatan sosial di institusi tersebut sejak tahun 2007.

    "Kami sampai punya ide dan konsep ini karena saya punya kepedulian dengan kondisi di sekeliling. Kami mau bantu, apalagi saya juga seorang ibu," ujar Tamara memberi alasan. "Saya mengerti perasaan ibu karena saya merasakan juga kehilangan anak dan belum bisa ketemu sampai saat ini. Jadi kami memberikan kasih sayangnya kepada anak-anak lain," lanjut Tamara.

    Sementara itu, Mike menjelaskan bahwa foto-foto eksklusif pernikahan mereka dijual sebesar Rp 110 juta. Penjualan foto-foto itu, katanya, murni didasari untuk mewujudkan permintaan terakhir dari anak-anak asuhan yayasan tersebut. "Pernikahan adalah sesuatu yang membahagiakan dan enggak ada salahnya kami membantu sesama anak yang membutuhkan," ucap Mike.

    Mengenai Bali sebagai lokasi pernikahan, Mike mengaku bahwa tempat itu dipilih lantaran mereka tak ingin melewatkan momen berharga dengan begitu saja. "Karena Bali adalah pulau paling indah di dunia, the most beautiful island in the world. Karena pernikahan itu penuh dengan cinta dan saya ingin merayakannya di tempat yang indah juga," ujar Mike. "Yang pasti bahagia karena menemukan suami yang saya cintai. Semoga terus bisa membahagiakan saya," sambut Tamara. (C9-09)

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Tamara Bleszynski Akhirnya Buka Suara soal Foto-foto Itu

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Tamara Bleszynski Tak Lagi Berstatus Janda

    JAKARTA, — Manager Mike Lewis, Arif, secara tersirat membenarkan kabar yang menyebutkan bahwa Mike dan aktris Tamara Bleszynski telah mengikat janji sehidup semati dalam sebuah ikatan pernikahan. Prosesi pernikahan telah dilangsungkan di Villa Bayuh Sabbha, Bali, 2 Februari 2010.

    "Apa yang Mas dengar dan lihat, seperti itulah. Terserah mau ditulis apa," jawab Arif ketika dikonfirmasi mengenai kebenaran kabar tersebut ketika dihubungi melalui telepon genggamnya, Senin (8/2/2010).

    Sayangnya, Arif enggan menceritakan lebih lanjut mengenai kabar pernikahan Tamara dan Mike dengan alasan tak mau melangkahi kehidupan pribadi keduanya. "Yang pasti nanti mereka akan bicara," ujar Arif.

    Kabar pernikahan Tamara Bleszynski dengan Mike Lewis berembus kencang ketika foto pernikahan mereka diunggah di situs jejaring pertemanan oleh salah satu teman mereka.

    Beberapa waktu lalu, kabar pernikahan tersebut sebenarnya sempat mencuat. Namun, baik Tamara maupun Mike memilih untuk menutup rapat-rapat mulutnya. (C9-09)

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Trisha Loves Tatoo On Her Breast

    Hot and sweet Tamil actress Trisha krishnan loves to have tattoo not on her beautiful hands or sexy legs, but on her cute breast. Nobody know why Trisha is so fond of tattoos nowadays. In fact she had a warning from her mother earlier when she had tattoo on her back. There is nothing wrong for an actress to have tattoo on her skin, but for an orthodox Indian woman to have a tattoo on her breast is a bit too much. Nevertheless she is rocking in all her recent movies with extraordinary performances and she must have done the same in her upcoming Tamil flick Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya too.

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Trisha Loves Tatoo On Her Breast

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Sunday, February 21, 2010


    While in prison, the story of love Jennifer Dunn and Sunan Kalijaga continue. After the issue of jennifer love affair between Dunn and his wife revealed Sunan Kalijaga Sunan, now they seemed to kiss her lips tenderly in prison. Though separated by a prison cell, Jennifer Dunn lips kiss Sunan Sunan Kalijaga time to leave the prison. Apparently romance between them is not a mere rumor, the story of love behind prison prison.

    Rumor special relationship between Jennifer Dunn and his lawyer, Sunan Kalijaga seemingly proved right. The young star, who is now caught in this drug case do not seem to bother to cover their proximity to the lawyer. On Thursday (11/02), Jennifer is back in session at the West Jakarta District Court, he boldly kissed at the lawyer while he was in custody while the courts.

    Jennifer Dunn was the star player ads and soap operas was born in Jakarta, October 10, 1989. His name is becoming known through soap operas and Dan DIA followed a successful soap opera ATAS NAMA CINTA.

    Jennifer on the way his career has stumbled drug cases, in which the host car found evidence of a rolled marijuana. As a result of the case with the 2005's, making this tattoo lover actress then had to break from his activities in the entertainment world.

    Jennifer is now back on acting, and his name a lot of teenage soap opera star. But his face began to rarely seen on television.

    Long time no heard from, suddenly appeared the news if KUTUKAN CINTA soap star was arrested for taking drugs again positive. Jennifer was arrested at the time was at his boarding house who is also an actor Vicky lodging Nitinegoro. After the review, Jennifer tested positive for consuming psychotropic substances, were reported Vicky urinalysis results negative.

    Jennifer's first trial was conducted early in 2010, January 21. In this initial trial, he was threatened with imprisonment charges to a maximum of 4 years of 15 years in prison.

    Beginning in February 2010, JeJe, Jennifer's nickname, was rumored to have special relationships with his lawyer, Sunan Kalijaga, who already have children and wives. Even JeJe Sunan had dared to kiss on camera. But this kiss argued Sunan accidentally, because JeJe slip. JeJe himself did not deny the love he has for his attorney.

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Friday, February 19, 2010


    Name Manohara Odelia Pinot certainly no stranger to hear the readers. Famous artists through the sensation of a dispute with this Fakhry Teuku again makes the news surprise. Had circulated photos Manohara kiss with a mysterious man on the internet. Am initials man was suspected to be a new lover of Manohara.

    Figure Hot Manohara Odelia Pinot and this guy his own initials AM is widespread both showing affection. In fact, the official belom Manohara divorce from Tengku Temenggong Fakhry.

    Latest celebrity gossip news brought about circulatory Photo Mesra Manohara Pinot and New Lover initials AM.

    Some picture Manohara & Henna background even a room and bed.

    Unfortunately, when it confirmed to the residence Manohara and Daisy in the region Fajarina Jl. Orchid Rosalina, Slipi, West Jakarta, on Thursday, February 18, 2010 in the morning, they claimed could not be bothered because of fatigue.

    Manohara denied Amil, a man who kissed the pictures Mano is her new boyfriend. Soap star 'Manohara' Amil was only considered as a brother.

    Glenn, manager tells Manohara if women who had married the Prince of Kelantan, Tengku Fakhry, it's been long enough near the Amil. In fact, since the young Manohara.

    "He was close to the first, Amil is like her brother," Glenn said while chatting with detikhot by telephone, Friday (19/2/2010).

    Glenn also revealed photos of the Mano and Amil had been around for a long time. However, he forgot exactly when the photos were taken.

    "Late last year, a few months ago," he said.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nayanthara - The Bold and Beautiful

    Kollywood's sizzling babe Nayanthara might not have any hits in recent times, but she still maintains her market value by signing up in big budget movies and indulging in hoaxes and quality rumours. It is not easy for any Indian actress to be in the top spot and lime light in all four major south Indian films and nayan is doing it with extreme ease. The truth behind her real success is her adaptability and willingness to expose and ready to date anybody whom she really loves. But these pictures shows the flip side of close look of nayanthara who looks homely and cute in a Saree.

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Nayanthara - The Bold and Beautiful

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Monday, February 15, 2010


    Tamara Bleszynski widow of one child who is not less popular of the young artists of new arrivals. Lately artist blesteran pretty bloody white, middle dirundurung about personal life and his career. Not long after the release of news about the courage to perform half-naked in her new film titled "Waterfall Bride" films with thiriller Généré released in early December 2009, now Tamara the rumors surrounding the marriage diselumti with sirinya bloody handsome Canadian actor Mike Lewis. Various speculations due to the emergence of this gossip, it was said that this siri marriage rumors deliberately exhaled only to boost the popularity of the latest movie starring Tamara, but not the least of those who believe in the truth of this rumor.

    Tamara Bleszynski and Mike Lewis said to have married on February 2, 2010, in Villa Bayu Sabha, Uluwatu, Bali. Unfortunately, Mike did not want to share this happy news. Handsome actor locked his mouth.

    Tamara and Mike's wedding was mentioned only attended by family and close friends only. Tamara's background widow with a status, religious differences, and distance range of age (36 years old Tamara, Mike 28 years) did not prevent Mike to edit it.

    Wrapped in a white gown slit lower chest with white plumes in her hair, Tamara receive a proposal which is also Mike's white coat with a white flower pinned to his breast pocket. Tamara looked smiled sheepishly with a happy blush. Meanwhile, Mike grinned happily sign.

    Reportedly, Tamara and Mike did not spend a little to menghelat wedding in a private villa located on the hill's Peninsula. A villa rental price reached Rp20 million.

    To check the truth of this happy news, Legal manager Mike Lewis confirmed, Arif, Saturday (6/2/2010). At the other end, Mark's voice sounded sumringah with smiling. Unfortunately, Mark could not confirm or deny the news-Mike Tamara's wedding.

    "I have long had communication with Mike. Till tomorrow night to see Mike. I'll confirm it later to him," said Arif.

    Arif dismissed accusations Mike deliberately covering up the happy news. "No, no cover-up. Come on, Mike will talk to you later. But, I do not know when," said Arif friendly.

    Teuku Rafly ex-wife and Mike began a relationship since April 2009. If true marriage has occurred, Tamara and Mike only took 10 months of courtship.

    Tamara and Mike's first time showing off their relationship while attending the Gala Premiere Waterfall movie starring Bride Tamara, Monday, November 30, 2009. Both come hand in hand. After seeing a few journalists, Tamara and Mike released the grip.

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FOTO CIUMAN BIBIR Bertrand Antolin-Giska Dmelia Sekar Mawar

    FOTO CIUMAN BIBIR Bertrand Antolin-Giska Dmelia Sekar Mawar"Sammy"
    Bertrand Antolin-Giska Dmelia Sekar Mawar
    Bertrand Antolin-Giska Dmelia Sekar Mawar
    Bertrand Antolin-Giska Dmelia Sekar Mawar
    Bertrand Antolin had just returned to the world of entertainment after a long vacuum for educational affairs. Even Bertrand tried to race in the field of fate if vocals by issuing a single. Now this handsome artist who exposed dreadful news-related photos lovingly kiss with a woman named Giska Dmelia. Photo Bertrand Antolin and Giska Dmelia kiss was a hot news media. is this sensation?

    In the photo it looks Bertrand Antolin Giska Dmelia kissing lips. Dmelia Giska itself is a girl who accuses Sammy Kerispatih stealing his car. Although Giska between Bertrand and still no word if they were making love but pictures hot kiss Bertrand and Giska already circulating on the internet.

    Bertrand Antolin was born in Jakarta, July 31, 1980. He is a soap opera actress and bloody widescreen Tionghoa and France, as well known as presenter of TV programs.

    Who had starred in films including the APA ARTINYA CINTA starred with Samuel Rizal and Shandy Aulia. As for who ever starred in soap operas, among them akuu BUKAN UNTUKMU and others.

    In the course of his career ex-girlfriend was never Aminarti Dhini diisyukan establish same-sex relationships, with soap star Indra L Bruggman. In fact, both have undergone diisyukan marriage in the Netherlands. Although they reject it.

    Old does not appear in public, mid-September 2009, Bertrand released debut single, Dismissed, marking it the world's expanded pull votes.

    Bertrand fans who missed seeing her acting on television, it'll miss feeling relieved. The reason he returned to the screen, playing soap AURA.

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FOTO CIUMAN BIBIR Bertrand Antolin-Giska Dmelia Sekar Mawar

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mamta Mohandas Too Hot In Saree

    Mamta mohandas - Mamta's exclusive exposure in red hot saree almost reveals her true hidden beauty in this world of glamour and glitz. Indian traditional wear saree is meant to be the most perfect wardrobe and a female garment in the Indian Subcontinent. But these bollywood hotties manage to use these sarees in whichever way they wants and looks more sexier than they usually do in bikinis, mini skirts, micro minis and salwars. And hot mallu actress Mamta Mohandas looking extremely gorgeous in saree for an upcoming Telugu film. Have a look at these latest photo gallery of Mamta....

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Mamta Mohandas Too Hot In Saree

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Priyanka Chopra's Hot Scenes

    Priyanka Chopra hot scenes from blockbuster Hindi film "Fashion". Priyanka chopra did a fantastic performance in Madhur Bandarkar's creation which earned her the the first National Award and she really deserves it. She had to trespass some of her own limitations to fulfill the director's need in "Fashion". These photos are the proof and it couldn't have been better to please her supporters as well. To bag a national award from these sort of hi tech movie itself a great achievement for Priyanka Chopra.

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Priyanka Chopra's Hot Scenes

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