Be it Madhuri Dixit, Malaika Arora Khan, Mallika Sherawat, Akshay Kumar or SRK himself, Bollywood stars seem to have been smitten by the lure of small screen’s reality shows. The latest to give in to the lure of TV shows is IPL woman Preity Zinta who will be hosting Guinness World Records - Ab India Todega, a desi version of the international show, produced by Miditech and to be aired later this year.
The shoot for the promos have already been started and in one of the promos video, while pulling a truck Preity says, “Australia ka Derek Boyer ka Guinness World Record aaj main toodoongi.”
Later she stated, “Chaliye main naa kar saki toh kya hua? India kar ke dikhadega. Ab garv se har Hindustani bolega, Guinness World record, Ab India Todega.”
Surily Goel will be styling Preity for this show. Surily says, “I am excited to style Priety for her television debut. A show like Guinness World Records will be a great platform to experiment with various looks. Her personality is quite sporty, energetic and adventurous, and hence, I will style her keeping her personality in mind. I have given her a waistcoat over a casual shirt teamed with boots and gloves especially for the promo shoot.”
Preity is known as the iron woman of Bollywood and her die hard attitude is one which can be doubted by none. So, she seems to be the apt choice for the show with the right mix of glamour, attitude and spirit!!
The shoot for the promos have already been started and in one of the promos video, while pulling a truck Preity says, “Australia ka Derek Boyer ka Guinness World Record aaj main toodoongi.”
Later she stated, “Chaliye main naa kar saki toh kya hua? India kar ke dikhadega. Ab garv se har Hindustani bolega, Guinness World record, Ab India Todega.”
Surily Goel will be styling Preity for this show. Surily says, “I am excited to style Priety for her television debut. A show like Guinness World Records will be a great platform to experiment with various looks. Her personality is quite sporty, energetic and adventurous, and hence, I will style her keeping her personality in mind. I have given her a waistcoat over a casual shirt teamed with boots and gloves especially for the promo shoot.”
Preity is known as the iron woman of Bollywood and her die hard attitude is one which can be doubted by none. So, she seems to be the apt choice for the show with the right mix of glamour, attitude and spirit!!
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→Preity Zinta’s call to Indians: Guinness World Records - Ab India Todega
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