Good Friday
Grew up evangelical and although I certainly do not fit with the stereotypes in the religious right, my heritage is still important for me. But two of the most recent news I ever wonder: What happens to my heritage?
The first news that Donald Trump and the mobilization of evangelical support. He was interviewed by David Brody of Pat Robertson’s broadcast of the Christian Network. Trump said he is a Christian – a Presbyterian, in fact – but admitted that he was not much more than just present the Church Holiday Birth and Easter Holiday. (In fact, he also said: “During the day Sunday, and I am a person on Sunday in the Church,” which cast a strange glow from the collapse of the grammar during the interview as a whole.)
God, Trump said: “I believe in God.” Of the Bible, and said: “I think that the Bible is for sure, this is the book. This is the thing.” And religion in general, and said: “I think that religion is a wonderful thing, and I think religion is a religion of remarkable.”
Prodi appeared to respond positively to this certificate rather tepid: “Donald Trump and upset the interest of some evangelical leaders his bold conservative Christians is something I love to hear it.” He added: “Remember, evangelicals tend to work in a world of absolutes in the Bible. Their world is very black and white. Shades of gray are not many, and that Trump how he sees the world as well.”
I’m with Cathleen Falsani analysis in response to Prodi: “really, really Prodi?!”
It is hard to imagine the worst of the indictment of evangelicals suggests they would support a self-impressed, wealth-obsessed, morally dangerous showman and businessman simply because the style of communication is broad and black and white. (And perhaps also because it is rich, which may still be the final signature on some of the grace of God, and of course, attend church, “through Sunday.”)
But then I came across an indictment even more disappointing, and this one is from an article published recently Tony Hall of Ohio in Congress. Hall, along with Jim Wallis and a number of other Christian leaders, is fasting to protest the proposed federal budget that will hurt disproportionately by the poorest and most vulnerable among us in a manner disproportionate to the aid of the richer and more secure. And will very literally the opposite Magnificat of Mary, to send away the hungry poor and the rich fill with things more than ever, good. Hall explains,
Grew up evangelical and although I certainly do not fit with the stereotypes in the religious right, my heritage is still important for me. But two of the most recent news I ever wonder: What happens to my heritage?
The first news that Donald Trump and the mobilization of evangelical support. He was interviewed by David Brody of Pat Robertson’s broadcast of the Christian Network. Trump said he is a Christian – a Presbyterian, in fact – but admitted that he was not much more than just present the Church Holiday Birth and Easter Holiday. (In fact, he also said: “During the day Sunday, and I am a person on Sunday in the Church,” which cast a strange glow from the collapse of the grammar during the interview as a whole.)
God, Trump said: “I believe in God.” Of the Bible, and said: “I think that the Bible is for sure, this is the book. This is the thing.” And religion in general, and said: “I think that religion is a wonderful thing, and I think religion is a religion of remarkable.”
Prodi appeared to respond positively to this certificate rather tepid: “Donald Trump and upset the interest of some evangelical leaders his bold conservative Christians is something I love to hear it.” He added: “Remember, evangelicals tend to work in a world of absolutes in the Bible. Their world is very black and white. Shades of gray are not many, and that Trump how he sees the world as well.”
I’m with Cathleen Falsani analysis in response to Prodi: “really, really Prodi?!”
It is hard to imagine the worst of the indictment of evangelicals suggests they would support a self-impressed, wealth-obsessed, morally dangerous showman and businessman simply because the style of communication is broad and black and white. (And perhaps also because it is rich, which may still be the final signature on some of the grace of God, and of course, attend church, “through Sunday.”)
But then I came across an indictment even more disappointing, and this one is from an article published recently Tony Hall of Ohio in Congress. Hall, along with Jim Wallis and a number of other Christian leaders, is fasting to protest the proposed federal budget that will hurt disproportionately by the poorest and most vulnerable among us in a manner disproportionate to the aid of the richer and more secure. And will very literally the opposite Magnificat of Mary, to send away the hungry poor and the rich fill with things more than ever, good. Hall explains,
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→Good Friday
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