Anushka - The latest sensation in Kollywood (Tamil Cinema) is all set to sizzle in Vettaikaran opposite Vijay, the most awaited film in recent times. Actor Vijay would love to make it a super hit since many of his films flopped in recent times. Anushka the imported beauty from Telugu might change Vijay's luck and get him on track in the right time. Anushka rose to fame with some super duper hits in Telugu like 'Arundhathi' makes her The Director's unanimous Choice for big budget movie like "Vettaikaran". And her glam and 'ready for everything' attitude will make the producers, heroes and fans extremely happy to watch her on big screen. Take a look the way she removes her saree in a song sequence.
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Tags : anushka billa, anushka bikini, anuska hot, telugu actress hot wallpaper, anushka hot scene
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→Anushka Don't Like Saree Photos | Anushka Hot
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